Shotcrete versus Gunite
Inside the pool industry, there is a large debate revolving around the quality of Shotcrete versus Gunite installations. For those without industry knowledge, there is one differentiating factor between the two materials.
The difference is "when" the water is mixed with the cement material.
Gunite Application
Gunite applicators mix water with cement at the nozzle. This is a cheaper method because there is less mixing required and generates a rougher surface when sprayed onto the walls and floors.
Shotcrete Application
Shotcrete must be mixed at the mixing rig and requires more skill to ensure the proper consistency. We used shotcrete sub-contractors who work 100% of the time with this material and understand it better than anyone else.
The benefit of this method is a smooter wall that is more resilient and can be installed without using forms. It is very strong on curved surfaces and provides a great texture for the plaster to adhere to.
Our Verdict
We only use the Shotcrete method and have great stories from our customers to tell. This is a premium product for a premium pool and we wouldn't have it any other way!